Upcoming Mental Health Sessions

Nov-Dec during NDHS

Take 2 of Beading!

The first session was such a success, we have decided to keep going and create a Christmas ornament! Come join the counsellors and our division Indigenous Support team and create a beautiful beaded ornament. This session will take place during NDHS/Lunch on Wednesdays (11:32-12:45pm).

Go to your google classroom and complete the google form if you are interested!

Past Sessions

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

Help! I don't know what I want to do with my life!!!

Join Miss Halter and Mrs. Meraw for some tips on helping you discover your strengths and interests for designing your career path!

Thursday, September 16th

Mental Health Team

We all know the last couple of years have been challenging! It has been difficult mentally, physically and socially. We need to get our inner spirit back! We would love to have students join us counsellors to help develop a mental health team that lifts not only our individual spirits but our school spirit! Come join us in room 1910 and let's get started on making this year AMAZING!

Thursday, May 20th

Counsellor Chat

Come to the google meet and share everything from your favourite Podcast, music, books, apps, Netflix shows, etc! Maybe you will leave with some new things to look forward to!

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/baq-xcry-afv

Thursday, May 6th

Make your own meditation beads

Come to room 1910 to learn how to make your own mala beads and how to practice the art of meditation. Meditation can improve focus and concentration, self-esteem and also lower levels of stress and anxiety.

Thursday, April 29th

Look Good, Feel Good!

Come to room 1910 for a manicure!

Thursday, April 22nd

Make your own relaxing bath salts!

Come to room 1910 and learn how to make your own bath salts! Take your project home and treat yourself to a relaxing bath!

Thursday, April 15th

Healthy Snacks!

Last time it was different popcorn flavours, flatbread pizzas, trail mix.....what will he come up with this time?!! Join Mr. Lerouge for some more great snack ideas! Participants leave with the food they prepared!

Thursday, April 1st


Come to the fitness room for a yoga session!

Thursday, March 25th

How to Support a Friend in Crisis

Help!! My friend is disclosing thoughts of suicide! They don't want me to tell anyone, what do I do?

Thursday, February 25th

Sleep Hygiene

Getting an appropriate amount of sleep is critical for your mental health! Come listen to what Mr. Deschenes has to say about the importance of a good night's sleep!

Thursday, February 11th

Mindful Colouring and Journaling

Join us in room 1910 for some mindful colouring and journaling ideas! Materials will be provided!

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Getting Ready for Bell Let's Talk Day!

Come to the gathering area on Thursday, complete a quote on our Bell Let's Talk Day sheets and get your photo done! Submissions will go to our division and you may be featured in the division video!

Hey! Are you writing a diploma? If so...this session is for you!

Come and learn some study tips and test-taking skills as you head into diplomas/exams

Presenter: Mrs. Smith

Christmas Fun!!!

The holidays can be a very stressful time! Let's get together and have some laughs and fun!

Presenters: TBA

Gratitude and Giving Back!

Feel better by making someone else happy! Come and prepare a small gift that will be presented to someone in our school community.

Presenter: Mrs. Meraw and Mr. Deschenes

Christmas is coming and so is the stress! Come and build your own stress ball!

Join us in the gathering area to build your own stress ball!

Presenters: Mrs. Meraw and Mr. Deschenes

Design your own Sanctuary at home

Create your own sanctuary at home....trust us, it will help you relax and get results!

Boom Sticks!

Come join us in the Fitness room to try out the Boom Stick craze!! You will need some comfortable work out clothes and proper footwear. Get ready to have some fun! Boom sticks are provided.

Presenter: Char Andrew

Releasing stress through art

Come and do a painting to release your stress!

PRESENTER: Mrs. Johnson- Art room

Want to be a part of the Student Mental Health Team?

Come to the amphitheatre this Thursday during NDHS- we would love to have your input on how we can raise awareness in the school!

Healthy Snacks for Studying

Come into the Foods lab and learn about some healthy snacks that you can easily prepare at home. This session will be limited and will require sign up.

Presenter: Mr. Lerouge

Apps for Mental Health

Come and learn about amazing apps to help support you on your mental health journey!

Presenters: Mr. Deschenes and Mrs. Meraw

Food and Mood

How does food impact our Mood?

PRESENTER: Char Andrew, Health and Wellness Coordinator with Red Deer Catholic Schools

Thursday, March 11th

Heart Math

For more than 25 years, the Heart Math Institute has been researching the heart/brain connection and learning how the heart influences our perceptions, emotion, intuition and health. HeartMath helps you tap into the power and intelligent of your heart- your heart's intuition-which awakens you to the best version of your health.